tales of travel

Stories, insights, recipes and more from all over Asia.

ATJ Foundation Donates Locally
The impact of COVID-19 is felt by all of us, but there are organizations, industries and nonprofits that are especially hard-hit during these challenging times. ATJ Foundation would like to recognize the following three local nonprofits by donating $1,000 to...
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Discover South India
India’s vast array of cultures and religions have coexisted for several millennia, each expressing its traditions through magnificent artistic and architectural achievements. The subcontinent is positively strewn with UNESCO World Heritage sites: preserved palaces, fortresses, temples and even whole cities...
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Nourishing Your Body and Soul Through Travel
It isn’t a surprise that travel affects us in a myriad of ways. Our lifestyles, whether before, during or after covid, are traditionally integrated with habitual routine and patterns designed to make our schedules more efficient and productive. Since travel...
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dreaming & planning While we continue to readjust to ‘today’, we cannot help but think about what our tomorrow will look like. Our tomorrow means to us, the future. When will things resume, even if in a modified way and where...
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Reclaim travel for yourself in 2021
In the midst of a year that has obliterated every norm and expectation, there’s a common underlying sentiment among our circle of colleagues, friends and family. It’s a theme that likely resonates in your world as well, especially if you...
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A Taste of Asia’s World-Class Restaurants
The prospect of eating well in Asia will mean a whole lot of different things to various folks. To some, diving into teeth-staining black-ink squid and vermicelli at the North Point wet market in Hong Kong or sipping on piping-hot canh...
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