tales of travel

Stories, insights, recipes and more from all over Asia.

Indonesia Borneo and Komodo - Orangutans and Komodo Dragons, in one diverse trip What? Camp Leakey - Along the way, the river narrows to the point where, in places, you are passing underneath thick forest canopy and your passage seems...
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Travel + Leisure Best Tour Operator
The Travel + Leisure 2023 World's Best Awards survey for THE best tour operator has been awarded to ATJ. We couldn't have done this without you, and we could not be more proud of our local and international team. T+L asks readers to...
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Papua New Guinea 2024
We welcome you stret long taim! (this means 'we welcome you back' in local speak) 2024 is here! Act now to secure your space on one of our Papa New Guinea group trips, with our exceptional tour leaders! Australian Suzanne...
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Experience the Tigers of India
CALL IT A ROARING SUCCESS! India's tiger conservation efforts have delivered. The majestic creatures have been stealthily making a comeback on the wild stage, their numbers increasing one census after another. Back in 2006, when the country first measured its...
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Imagine Your Korea
Korea. Where scenes from movies and soap operas come to life, Korea. A place that turns everyday life into something extraordinary. Korea. Full of endless forms of entertainment, from its various cultural heritage sites to the bustling shopping district of...
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Two is Better than One
Two is Better Than One The ATJ Foundation announces our continued partnership with Philanthropy Connections by supporting the Ban Nai Soi Community Learning Center (BNSCIC) and in addition, providing support to their Cambodia Preschool Project, starting this month. You can...
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