tales of travel

Stories, insights, recipes and more from all over Asia.

5 Secret Beach Resorts in Asia By Katie Landgraf
My favorite way to end a rich cultural itinerary in Asia or the Pacific is with several nights on a tranquil beach. There are so many beautiful beaches in the region, but the perfect combination of a quiet, secluded shore...
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A Lavish India Wedding
After traveling with ATJ several times in the past, we engaged them to help us with another trip but this one was spurred by our friends weddings in India. I had spent a number of years living in India between...
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Monsoon Season in Southeast Asia – Where to Travel in July & August
Monsoon Season in Southeast Asia: Where to Travel in July & August Southeast Asia is on many of our minds when it comes to planning northern hemisphere summer holidays, but it’s not traditionally the ideal time to book an Asian...
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The 5 Most Beautiful Beaches in Australia
Summer is upon us, which means you’re probably thinking about a beach vacation. If you want to kick up the exotic factor a notch, however, then consider an Australia tour for your beach vacation. Even though it’s actually their winter, the country...
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ATJ Travel Expert Jarrod Hobson’s Top 5 Places to get off the Beaten Path in Indonesia
Indonesia is my personal favorite travel destination. A staggering expanse of over 18,000 islands, Indonesia contains a vast array of distinctive cultures and landscapes that have kept me coming back for many years—and I still feel like I have only...
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Blessed Beads
After 5 times traveling with ATJ since 2011, Our guide arranged to have a monk bless my prayer beads at Katargama Buddhist Temple. I had asked to have my beads blessed during the trip, but this was so much more...
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