Remote. Dynamic. Invigorating.

Get your sample Bhutan Itinerary.
Exploring Bhutan for the first time


The stir of anticipation generated by Bhutan’s opening of its borders to travelers, just over three decades ago, is virtually unmatched. The privileged few who have ventured into the secluded Himalayan kingdom have beheld a wondrous land that is completely isolated from modern and western influences. Through a strict policy of limited tourism, Bhutan has consciously cultivated a fiercely guarded traditional culture and the world's most well-tended natural environment. But the winds of change are stirring as Bhutan evolves. We invite you to seize the day by exploring and experiencing Bhutan at a historic juncture when its land and culture are on the brink of transformation.

a closer

We recommend you include a Bhutanese tsechu (festival) if possible. These are lively events whereby local people, wearing their finest hand-woven clothes, will have come, most on foot, from miles around to gain the blessings of attendance at these rites and to enjoy the camaraderie of family and friends. Dance performances go on all day amidst swirling incense, streaming costumes, ancient, magically charged masks and sacred rites. Major festivals in Bhutan include the Thimphu Tsechu in the fall and Ura Tsechu in the spring. The Jakar Tsechu in autumn and the Trongsa Tsechu in winter are more intimate in scale.

Get your sample Bhutan Itinerary.

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