Traveler Information and Terms & Conditions

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1. Terms & conditions - Step 1 of 2

Before beginning the Traveler Information form you must read, sign and date the following Terms & Conditions. Your application cannot be accepted without your acceptance signature. Parent or guardian must sign on behalf of those younger than 18 years of age. Your information will be kept safe and confidential according to the terms of our Privacy Policy.

Here is the information you'll be asked to provide on the traveler information form. It will be helpful to have all this handy before starting the form as there is no option to save and return to the form later.

  • Your address, phone, email
  • Emergency contact information: name and phone number and relationship only for an emergency contact here in the United States, not traveling with you.
  • Health/dietary information: any special health or dietary considerations we and our local partners overseas should be aware of.
  • Passport UPLOAD only with an option to defer.

A separate form required for each traveler. At the end of this form, you will be given the option to begin a new Traveler Information Form for additional travelers.

Parent or guardian

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