Which vaccinations are required for my particular trip?

The wide range of destinations we travel to presents varying degrees of medical risk. For example, a visitor to India might need certain immunizations that a visitor to Australia would not.

We are not physicians and cannot provide you with specific medical advice. We strongly encourage you to check with your personal physician or local travel clinic at least 6 weeks before embarking on your journey for up-to-date information regarding medical precautions and immunizations for your particular travel destination(s).

For comprehensive information please refer to the Center for Disease Control’s traveler’s health information web site: or call 800-232-4636.

We do provide a list of tips for staying healthy upon sign up.

Will I be affected by high altitude?

Most destinations in our region present no altitude concerns whatsoever. However, the effects of high altitude may impact travelers in the Himalayan region or those crossing the passes of Central Asia. Click HERE for more information on the effects of traveling at high elevation.

Please discuss any concerns you have about traveling to high elevation with your Travel Specialist. If your itinerary includes high altitude locations, comprehensive information will be sent to you in your Sign Up packet.

Will I be in close contact with animals/livestock?

Depending on your itinerary, you may come in contact with domestic and wild animals. Many cities in Asia have populations of stray dogs, cats, monkeys or other animals—travelers should always keep their distance. Activities at farms and wildlife sanctuaries should be individually assessed. If you have concerns about your own safety/health or that of the animals, please speak to your guide directly. Some itineraries may include hands-on experiences with horses, camels and elephants. Again, questions of health or safety should be addressed directly with your guide.

You can read more about our stance on ethical wildlife experiences here.

More comprehensive information will be sent to you upon sign up.

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